How to File Homestead and Mortgage Exemptions in Hamilton County, Indiana

How do I file the Homestead and Mortgage Exemptions for my home?

The process has changed in the last few months.  The Homestead Exemption is filed automatically for you when the deed is filed by the title company following the closing.  Only one Homestead Exemption is allowed in Indiana, even if you own multiple properties here.  That exemption is the large one, reducing the assessed value of your property by $45,000.

The mortgage exemption and any other exemptions that you qualify for, must be filed following the closing.  Generally 6 weeks following the closing is best to insure that the deed has been recorded.  You may visit the following offices in person or file online.  Bring your HUD/Settlement Statement from the closing and a driver's license or other legal form of identification.  Be sure to save the receipt that you receive to be sure that you have evidence that the exemption was filed.  The mortgage exemption reduces your assessed value by $3,000.  If you refinance your mortgage, you will need to file the mortgage exemption again.

The Hamilton County Auditors office is located at 33 N 9th Street, Suite 214 in Noblesville.  Their phone number is                         317-776-9602            .  Their hours of operation are 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 M-F.

You can also file at the Carmel/Clay Twp Assessor's Office at 10701 N College Avenue; phone is                        317-848-7116             or the Fishers/Delaware Twp Assessor's Offic at 9090 East 131st Street in Fishers; phone is 577-0501.

You may also file online in Hamilton County at;id=997

The little bit of effort it takes is well worth the savings!


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