
Showing posts from May 2, 2010

Good News--The Homebuyers Tax Credit is not Totally Dead

I just learned today that a select group of Americans are still eligible for the Homebuyer's Tax Credit until June of 2011.  The fortunate ones?  The US Military and certain US Governmental Employees who work overseas.  Here is the scoop: For Members of the Military Members of the Armed Forces and certain federal employees serving outside the U.S. have an extra year to buy a principal residence in the U.S. and still qualify for the credit. An eligible taxpayer must buy or enter into a binding contract to buy a home by April 30, 2011, and settle on the purchase by June 30, 2011. For more details on the credit, visit the  First-Time Homebuyer Credit page  on

The Home Buying Adventure

Buying a home for most is a roller coaster adventure.  Along the way there are some unexpected turns and thrills.   As a Realtor leading the charge, I am sometimes surprised by the things that occur out of the ordinary. Last week I showed a home that was vacant except for a few personal items.  It was the second time that my buyers were seeing this particular home.  As we entered the home, I noticed a pretty blue and white comforter jumbled on the floor of the study.  My buyer said I think there is someone in there.  I tiptoed to the door of the room.  Heavy breathing. Sure enough there was a man sound asleep on the floor.  He was cocooned in the comforter.  The only parts visible were his dark hair and long aquiline nose.  He did not awaken during the 20 minutes we were in the home.  Why he was there, I haven't a clue.  (I did send a note to the listing agent about the mysterious man.) Later with this same couple,  I o...