
Showing posts from September 9, 2007

Tips for Maintaining Your Outdoor Grill

Even though summer doesn't officially end for another week, many of us have begun preparing for fall, putting away the summer toys. Here are few tips to maintain your outdoor grill so it's ready to go come spring again: Clean the Burners: Manufactures stress that cleaning burners keeps the unit working at its best. Burner ports can fill with grease and close up, leading to hot and cold spots on the grill. While the unit is cold, use a stainless steel wire brush or flexible pipe cleaner to remove the gunk from a traditional gas burner. The flames should be distributed evenly throughout the burner after a good cleaning. Brush off any ash that accumulates on infrared grills, and be sure to keep the glass clean. Infrared grill manufacturers suggest using Bar Keepers Friend , a non-abrasive cleaner, to remove any deposits. Running the grill for 10 minutes on high after cooking also helps keep the ports free of build up. Between the Burner and Grate: Sometimes called the radiant or...

Why Buying a Home is a Good Option

With all the fuss over the lending problems, many people may be wondering if buying a home is really worth it. Following is an article from Colleen DeBaise from with five reasons why buying a home IS the best option: By Colleen DeBaise A GOOD CHUNK OF the U.S. population refuses to give up renting. We're not sure how many renters are stubborn hold-outs (the U.S. census doesn't measure in terms of obstinacy, although we do know that the majority of Americans ā€” about 69% ā€” own their own home). For many, the American Dream is simply out of reach for financial reasons. But, for others, it's not the money, it's the....well, we've come up with five reasons why people don't want to buy real estate. Perhaps you've used these excuses yourself ā€” or know a colleague, a family member or a friend who has. We've enlisted the aid of experts ā€” Stacy Francis and Nancy Flint-Budde, certified financial planners in New York City and Salem , N.Y. , respectivel...

10 Hamilton County Fall Festivals

Looking for something fun to do now that Fall is upon us? Check out these fun festivals in Hamilton County's eight great towns! Cicero Grand Prix & Street Dance, September 14-16 Country Fair at Conner Prairie, September 21-23 Stonycreek Farm Pumpkin Festival, September 29-October 31 Atlanta New Earth Festival, September 22-23 Carmel International Arts Festival, September 22-23 Fishers Renaissance Faire , October 6-7 Russell Farms Pumpkin Country Fall Festival, Weekends in October Potter's Covered Bridge Festival, October 6 Sheridan Harvest Moon Festival, October 6-7 Headless Horseman at Conner Prairie, October 17-28