Central Indiana home sales on the rise

As May comes to a close today, the numbers for April paint a positive picture about the real estate market here in Central Indiana. For the nine county area, April pended homes were up 8.9% from April 2006 (2,754 homes were pended in April 2007, 2530 in April 2006). The available inventory is down, from 6.5% in March to 4.8% in April. Sales are still down 4% compared to last year, but April's trends are encouraging. Here's the breakdown by county: Pended single-family and condo home sales Boone April 2006=79 April 2007=74 % Change= -6.3 Hamilton April 2006=501 April 2007=514 % Change=2.6 Marion April 2006=1204 April 2007=1359 % Change=12.9 *Information courtesy of F.C. Tucker's April Market Watch