Running the Sahara

My husband Paul has been involved in several recent film projects. One of them, Running the Sahara is set to premiere on Showtime tonight at 8:00 pm. A limited release in theaters will follow. Special downloads of the film will be available via Ipods at a later date. Running the Sahara is the true story of 3 ultra marathon runners who accept the challenge of running across the Sahara. These amazing athletes crossed six countries and ran an average length of two marathons a day for three months! The story tells of the challenges they faced and the incredible people they met. In the process, money is being raised to build wells in villages along their route. It is truly a moving account. Matt Damon and Bono are both backers of this project. The film may not be suitable for young children. For photos, news articles and more information about this amazing documentary and the cause it supports visit the website at: