Nehemiah Wins Lawsuit Against HUD
Great news from The Nehemiah Program! Following is an article from Jason Lopez, Area Manager Indiana and Kentucky: Judge Lawrence K. Karlton of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of California upheld Nehemiah’s motion for summary judgment and invalidated the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) rule to ban private downpayment assistance as proposed in the “Standards for Mortgagor’s Investment in Mortgaged Property” regulation published October 1, 2007. To be clear, this rule cannot be enforced by HUD and is no longer a threat to private downpayment assistance programs. We are thrilled with the Court’s decision to support low-to-moderate income families across the country by ruling against HUD’s attempt to ban private downpayment assistance,” said Scott Syphax, President and CEO of Nehemiah Corporation of America. This is a major and conclusive judgment, leaving no uncertainty that downpayment assistance is a life line to the families that Nehemi...