Lessons Learned for Home Buyers

Wow! The last two months have taught me some important lessons for today's home buyers. First, lending guidelines have tightened significantly. * Be aware that lenders can recheck your credit just a few days prior to closing. Don't make any major purchases prior to closing--cars, boats, furniture or even decor for your home. Also be sure in the excitement of moving that you don't fail to pay all bills on time. One late payment can affect your credit score and make you ineligible for your mortgage. *One of my closings was brought to a screeching halt one day before closing when the buyers learned that a new requirement stipulated that they have 6 months of home payments in reserve if they had not sold their existing home. Even though these buyers qualified easily to buy their new home without first selling their existing home, they did not have the necessary reserve. (Few people would!) The money for the reserve could be from a retirem...