Things I Wish My Realtor Had Told Me Part 3

Now it is time for me to weigh in on how to choose the "right" home for you and your family. When I am advising my own clients, here are some ?s and thoughts that I share: Will this home work for you for the foreseeable future? Does it have the space you need now, but also ample space for the next 5 years? (In the past, the average family moved every 3-5 years. Now that span has increased to every 5-8 years.) Does the monthly payment fit into your budget? Will you still have the ability to eat out occasionally and go to movies? Will you lose sleep over the payment? In other words, does it feel comfortable to you? Does the school district fit your family's needs? Think ahead beyond elementary school to middle school, junior high and even high school? Finally, is the home in an area that would resale well if you are relocated? Hopefully this will be your home for a very long time. In the event, you are offered an a...