Reverse Mortgages

Following is an article courtesy of Tony Stevenson, Mortgage Banker with M & I Bank, talking about reverse mortgages and how they might work for you: Getting Ahead by Going in Reverse ā The age when homeowners are first able to apply for a reverse mortgage. 2008 ā The year in which the first baby boomers will turn 62. A baby boomer is any member of the generation of people who were born between 1946-1964. These were the years of a rapid increase in the birthrate in the United States. 8,000 ā The approximate number of baby boomers who will turn 62 each day starting in 2008. 78.2 million ā The number of baby boomers living in 2005. 81% ā The homeownership rate of individuals 55-64, the highest of any age category. The next highest, 79.9%, is the homeownership rate of individuals 65 and older. $50,000 ā The median account balance of a 401(k)-style plan for those aged 55-64 in 2004. This replaces only 9 percent of income, on average, for workers in this group. With the baby boome...