The Kiplinger Top 50 Smartest Cities
Today, Kiplinger released a list of the Top 50 Smartest Cities and Indianapolis is 14th on the list. Criteria used included cost of living, cost of housing, weather, education, cultural amenities and transportation. Ecomonic vitatlity was also factored in. This is great for Indianapolis and the surronding area! Being a newbie to the Indianapolis area, I agree with the rating. My husband and I have been very impressed with the entire area. To me, it seems that Indianapolis is a big city with small town appeal. I love all the growth in every direction (especially all the shopping!) and the low cost of living. The downtown is vibrant and dynamic, full of plenty to see and do. I am looking forward to raising children here because of the great schools, wonderful neighboors and small town feel. Feel proud about living in such a great city and area!