Hi, thanks for taking a look at this blog! My hope is that by sharing some of my adventures in real estate, you will be helped in your journey as well.

So, let's begin...

After over 11 years as a licensed Realtor, one of my greatest joys remains helping people who never thought they would be able to own a home. Recently I was asked by a past client to assist a friend of his in leasing a home. By asking a few questions, I found that his friend was married with two small children and would really rather own than continue renting. A couple of difficult years had harmed their credit scores, so as a result they had given up all hope of owning a home.

When we talked, I suggested they speak with a reputable lender that has done a great job for my clients in the past. They were amazed to discover that not only could they qualify to buy a home now (at a slightly higher interest rate), but that it would be in a price range that would give them some attractive options.

We quickly set out in a search for their home. By the end of our time together they had agreed on their #1 choice. Within 3 days we had an accepted offer and are closing on Monday! What a thrill for them and for me too.

The reason I share their story is to encourage you to not give up on the dream of owning a home. There are great lenders out there who are willing to work with you and even Sellers who are willing to offer flexible terms. Your dream may be within your grasp.



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